Power Animal Retrievals (45 min)


Availability: in stock
In this initiation, you will meet one of your Power Animals and then be infused with their high vibrational essence.  This way you can call upon them for support.
  • Relax and be open to the process
  • As you remain open and in a meditative state Donna will trance and meet one of your power animals.
  • After recalibrating the energy she will infuse these high vibrations into your being
  • Your power animal is revealed to you!
  • You learn how to establish this high frequency energy into your energetic structure.
  • You’ll be fascinated by what’s been revealed.
  • You’ll feel supported and strong.

Product Description

Power animals are known as helping spirits and animal allies.  They can also be viewed as simply high frequency energies that contain specific qualities that are designed to support you. In this session these powerful energies will be revealed and brought forward so you can consciously engage with them so that they can support you in the exact way you need.


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